31 January 2007

New Article Added: Are You Missing Something?

Are you struggling to get what you want from life? Below is an article by Tony Mase with some insight as to why this could be so.

This article has been listed with others on our website, lifeisabuffet.co.za, where you will also find other related resources.

Here it is. Enjoy.

Are You Missing Something?
- by Tony Mase
C) Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved

Not long ago, I received a question from one of my newsletter subscribers that went something like this (I've edited out the personal details):

"In say the past year I have been applying the law of attraction consciously to winning the lottery so I can get a beautiful home for myself, a car, and wonderful gifts for my family and friends."

"On occasion I might win a free ticket or maybe even ten dollars."

"What am I missing?"

"I certainly allow myself to receive, so tell me if there is something else required."


Interesting question.

Even more interesting...

Believe it or not...

Is the fact that I get asked this question a lot.

More often than not...

It's preceded by a statement something like...

I've been applying the "law of attraction" to winning the lottery so I can get __________...


I'm trying to "manifest" winning the lottery so I can get __________...

Followed by the fact that it isn't working for them and then the million dollar question...

What am I missing?

Every single time I'm asked this question...

I'm immediately reminded of something Wallace D. Wattles, best known for his classic masterpiece "The Science of Getting Rich", wrote in one of the articles in his "Lessons in Constructive Science" series:

"There are altogether too many people who seek to use mental power as a means or nstrumentally by the use of which they can get something for nothing; who think that in some way the new thought may be used in taking advantage of other people, and whose mental science is in reality nothing more nor less than an attempt at robbery. It goes without saying that sooner or later these people are going to come to failure and disaster."

You see...

What all these folks are missing is simple...

Really simple...

Really, *really* simple...

Are you ready?

Here it is...

A way to *earn* the money to get what they want!

Throughout his writings, Wallace D. Wattles wrote about the importance of getting into the right business or profession for you and giving other people more in use value than you receive in cash value.


Therein lies the "secret" to getting a beautiful home for yourself...

A car...

Wonderful gifts for your family and friends...


Anything else you want that money can buy.

You know...

It's absolutely incredible to me how many people don't get this simple concept.

For some strange reason...

Totally unbeknown to me...

Maybe it's all the "law of attraction" and "manifesting" nonsense floating around out there on the Internet...

Many well-intentioned, well-meaning folks seem to think that all they have to do is sit in a corner somewhere and "meditate" what they want into their lives without giving anything of value to others in return.


Just in case you're one of them...

Let me let you in on a little secret...

It doesn't work that way!

Might it work that way someday?


Does it work that way right now at our current state of development?



You believe otherwise...

You're fooling yourself.


You're essentially reducing your life to a crapshoot!


If you *really* want to get a beautiful home for yourself...

A car...

Wonderful gifts for your family and friends...


Anything else that money can buy...


Here's my advice...

In addition to knowing *exactly* what you want...

In addition to having the *faith* that you'll get what you want...

Get into the right business or profession for you and then put everything you've got into it, giving each person with whom you deal more in use value than you receive from them in cash value, with the intention of getting what you want.

It's that simple.


"There are altogether too many people who seek to use mental power as a means or instrumentally by the use of which they can get something for nothing; who think that in some way the new thought may be used in taking advantage of other people, and whose mental science is in reality nothing more nor less than an attempt at robbery. It goes without saying that sooner or later these people are going to come to failure and disaster."

Don't you be one of them! :-)


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the publisher of the "The Personal Power Course: Ten Lessons in Constructive Science, Teaching You How to Use
Your Own Subconscious Energies for Health, Prosperity and Personal Achievement" ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...

"The Personal Power Course" by Wallace D. Wattles Ten lessons in constructive science, teaching you how to use your own subconscious energies for health, prosperity and personal achievement.
Click Here =>
The Personal Power Course

30 January 2007

Welcome the Official Life is a Buffet

It’s been a while hasn’t it? Well, at last we can say that we have uploaded the official site of lifeisabuffet.co.za!

If you’ve been following this blog, we certainly hope you weren’t holding your breath in anticipation! This has been a ‘hobby’ exercise and is certainly not our day job (yet).

I must say it’s fascinating to see how the site has evolved. It seems to have taken a life of it’s own and is certainly very different today to what our original concept was. I guess that’s one of the secrets to development: get the idea, START something with it, and see where it takes you.

As with any infant, you’ll notice that this baby’s still got plenty of developing to do. We’ve had a lot of fun learning the ropes so far, and we still have so much learning to do.
Our vision is now bigger than it was when it was conceived and I’m convinced life is a buffet will be with us for many years and develop into a fully matured, wise old adult long before we do!

What’s Up?

No Membership Requirements

Previously we focused on the site as a membership one. This is no longer the case. Not to say that membership is not ever going to happen – we just feel it’s best to get our message out to as many as possible before we start bringing in membership criteria.


There are a couple of thought-provoking articles at life is a buffet. Really worth a read. The list of articles will be added to regularly and promises to be a healthy stop-in for those of us who acknowledge that in life there is always something new to learn.

Audio Books

One of our affiliations is with Hear2Read, an audio book store. We have hand-picked some of the more relevant books for you to select from. Take a look and see if there’s something there for you.

Inspiring Quotations

Dotted throughout the site are words of wisdom to jog you into thinking about who you are and what you could be grateful for. As life is a buffet grows, these quotations will become a section of their own.

Free e-book

A book that really has inspired our thinking, and which we turn to often – it’s right there for you on the home page. Why not grab it now?

Stay tuned to this blog – soon we’ll be informing you of what’s in the pipeline. Now that the ball has started rolling, we’re positive it won’t take too long before we can let you in on the next exciting chapter at life is a buffet! As we now firmly believe – all good things always happen In Time, On Time and In their Own Time.

Take care.